


Heat Treatment

Exhibition Company Mir-Expo: exhibitions, conferences and seminars in Russia and other countries. Exhibitions in Moscow.

Specialized exhibitions and trade fairs in Moscow,
other cities of Russia and abroad.
Exhibitions in Moscow.

Phones: +7 (495) 137-78-25,
+7 800 333-78-25


Our news:

   October 30, 2024

Dear participants and visitors!

Dear participants and visitors of the exhibition "Cryogen-Expo. Industrial Gases 2024"!

The official website of the event contains:

- final press release with a list of participants and video interviews with exhibitors

- photo report on the 2024 exhibition and business program

In 2025, the 22nd exhibition "Cryogen-Expo. Industrial Gases" and the business program within its framework will traditionally be held in Moscow in the fall. The dates and venue will be announced shortly.

Preliminary booking of stands and time slots for the business program is now open!

>> all news

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Certification and Regulation 2008 - Second International Specialized Exhibition in MoscowCertification and Regulation - 2008
Second International Specialized Exhibition in Moscow, Russia

Time of realization: April 22-25, 2008

Place of realization: Pavilion 7, hall 4, EXPOCENTRE Fairgrounds, Moscow.

The organizer: Exhibition Company "Mir-Expo".

Under the auspices of: Federal Agency on Technical Regulating and Metrology, All-Russia Scientific Research Institute for Certification, ZAO ”EXPOCENTR”.

General information support: RIA «Standards and quality».

Official internet-partner: Alyans-Media.

Results of the exhibition:

The Third International Forum “Business Intelligent Service” will be carry out between the 14 and 16 of April in 2009, it will be held in the pavilion No7 hall 4 at the EXPOCENTRE Fairgrounds (Moscow) located in Krasnaya Presnya and will include the following exhibitions: certification and regulation, consulting, audit, evaluation, salon of expertise, IT-consulting, marketing, juridical accompaniment of business, sale of final goods and services, personnel training system.

Info on the Activity at the International exhibition “Certification and Regulation - 2008”:

The Second International Specialized Exhibition “Certification and Regulation” was successfully finished clearly demonstrating the approach of the main purpose, which was primordial forwarded by the Organizing Committee to carry out the event enable the exhibitors to establish new business contacts and partners relations, the event which could help to develop the complex of the services concerning the evaluation of conformity and to their commonly apply in the different branches.

This international event was recurrently held in Moscow from the 22d till 25th of April, 2008 at the ZAO “Expocentr”. It was organized by the Exhibition Company “Mir-Expo” under the auspices of the Federal Agency on Technical Regulating and Metrology, the All-Russia Scientific Research Institute for Certification and ZAO ”EXPOCENTR”.

There was underlined in the official greeting of S. N. Katyrin, the Vice-president of CCI of RF, intended to the participants of the exhibitions that the spectrum of services associated with the inspection, examination, certification and valuation met the essential needs of those who took part in the economic activities in Russia and abroad and represented an integral part of the modern economic realities.

To compare with the last year the exhibition has taken on the special feature. For the first time there were represented the following sections: consulting, evaluation and certification. To the opinion of the specialists the exhibition has been reflecting broader the state of the art and prospects of development in the sphere of services related to the valuation of conformity, consulting, valuation and expert services in the Russian and international market.

More than 70 companies who are the largest players in their sphere of activity took part in the exhibition. The participants presented their suggestions and know-how, made the acquaintance of the possibilities of their competitors; the visitors were enabling to acquire with the exhibitors’ services.

The Organizing Committee has obtained the favorable as a whole reviews concerning the exhibition. The number of the exhibitors has announced their intention to take part in the next exhibition to be held in 2009. According to the information rendered by the chiefs of the companies-exhibitors the participation in the exhibition enable the exhibitors to exchange experience, establish new forward-looking business contacts. The exhibition was visited by more than thousand specialists during its work.

The business program of the exhibition was dignified. The following enterprises were held between the 23d and 25th of April: The second international practical-research conference “Actual Problems of Certification of Products and Services Provided in Russian and International Markets”, the international practical-research conference “The State of the Art and Prospects of Development of the Evaluative Activity in Russia“, the practical-research conference “Expertise as Means of Business Development“. They were accompanied with the saturated subjects of the sections, separate reports and presentations.
Taking into consideration the opinions of the participants and visitors the Organizing Committee took a decision to enlarge the subjects of the exhibition and to change its name in 2009.

The Third International Forum of smart services for business "Business Intelligence Service - 2009" will be carry out between the 14 and 16 of April in 2009, it will be held in the pavilion No 7, hall 4 at the EXPOCENTRE Fairgrounds located in Krasnaya Presnya (Moscow) and will include the following exhibitions: certification and regulation, consulting, audit, valuation, salon of expertise, IT-consulting, International business cooperation, marketing, juridical accompaniment of business, sale of final goods and services, business real estate, business office, business supporting funds, business incubator, service parks, books on business, personnel training system.

The total listing of the exhibitors of the exhibitions “Certification and Regulation-2008”, “Consulting-2008”, “Evaluation-2008”, “Expertise-2008”, photo shop and the abstracts of the reports of the conferences run in the frame work of the exhibitions are posted on our web site:

Sections of the Exhibition:

Certification of the Russian companies’ products in the international market;

Certification of the Russian and international firms’ products to be realized in the Russian market;

Certification of the quality management within the ISO 9001:2000 system;

Ecological certification within the ISO 14001 system;

Labour safety certification at the enterprises;

Products and services voluntary certification systems;

Certification, evaluation and capitalization of the intellectual property;

Law services applied to the products certification;

Equipment and devices intended for the centers of the evaluation of the conformance.

List of the participants:


Building Constructing Company ¹2


Center of certification of the fire & security products, MVD Russia



CNTD Reglament, ÎÎÎ



Electrosert, ANO by certification

Expert-Garant Limited Liability Company

Federal Agency on Technical Regulating and Metrology





KS Certificate




Mosstroycertifiñatsiya, OJSC



PARFUMTEST, Ñertification center

PKTI Promstroy, JSC


Register of Ñertification on Federal Railways


SGS Vostok Limited, Ltd.


Standards and Quality, JSC


Stroymat & K, JSC


StroyTechExpertiza, JSC


TÜV International RUS Ltd.

TÜV SÜD Russia

Union for certification, Non-commercial organization



VNIIZhelezobeton, OJSC

Voenniy Registr


The business program:

Within the frame work of the exhibition there was held the practical research conference:

April, 24: Second International Scientific-Research Conference "Actual problems of the products and services certification provided in the international markets".

The same time there was held such exhibitions:

«Consulting - 2008», «Consultant`s Investigation Salon - 2008», «Valuation - 2008».

Report: Openning Ceremony

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Report: Exhibition

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Manager of the exhibition:

Andrew V. Bannikov

Organizing Committee:

For more details please contact: phone/fax +7 (495) 137-78-25, +7 800 333-78-25;, e-mail:

Exhibitions in Russia
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EC "Mir-Expo"

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media-bureau Gradis