


Heat Treatment

Exhibition Company Mir-Expo: exhibitions, conferences and seminars in Russia and other countries. Exhibitions in Moscow.

Specialized exhibitions and trade fairs in Moscow,
other cities of Russia and abroad.
Exhibitions in Moscow.

Phones: +7 (495) 137-78-25,
+7 800 333-78-25


Our news:

   October 30, 2024

Dear participants and visitors!

Dear participants and visitors of the exhibition "Cryogen-Expo. Industrial Gases 2024"!

The official website of the event contains:

- final press release with a list of participants and video interviews with exhibitors

- photo report on the 2024 exhibition and business program

In 2025, the 22nd exhibition "Cryogen-Expo. Industrial Gases" and the business program within its framework will traditionally be held in Moscow in the fall. The dates and venue will be announced shortly.

Preliminary booking of stands and time slots for the business program is now open!

>> all news

Company News via Twitter

OCEAN - 2006
International Exhibition

Time of realization: April 25-28, 2006.

Place of realization: Pavilion 7, hall ¹3, Expocentr's Krasnaya Presnya Fairgrounds, Moscow.

The organizers: Exhibition Company "Mir-Expo", ZAO "Expocentr".

Under the auspices of: The Commission of the National Maritime Policy. The Council of Federation. The Federal Assambly of the Russian Federation.Commission an National Maritime Politics of the Russian of Soviet Federation.

Post press-release:

April 25-28, 2006, the fair grounds of Pavilion 7, Hall 3 Expocentr Exhibition Complex, was engaged to support the First International Exhibition “Ocean 2006” arranged under the auspices of the Commission on National Sea Policy of Council of Federation of the Russian Federation.

The exhibition objectively estimated the modern conditions in the field of sea technologies and methods of the underwater researches, worked out the deci-sions directed on consolidation of efforts of scientific and business circles to develop and practically use the underwater technical means and the equipment, development of the oceanology, exploiting and usage of the resources of the ocean, engineering of sea shipbuilding and navigation.
Numerous displays stands will carry exhibits applied to the main branches such as underwater engineering and equipment, oceanology, world ocean re-sources, sea transport and navigation.

About 30 Russia and foreign organizations took part in the “Ocean 2006” exhibition. The following companies are among them: “Vesper avtomatiña”, R&D Centre “Transkor-K”, “ENA” JSCO, “AZOV CABLE” Ltd, FGUP NPO “VINT”, “Pod-vodservis LLC”, Stanford Equipment Co. USA, SPMBM “Malachite”, “Stapel” Ltd, JSC V.V.Tikhomirov Scientific-Research Institute of Instrument Design, ADMIRAL MAKAROV STATE MARITIME ACADEMY, IXSEA S.A.S, “Ladoga Plant” Ltd, “Êuenz Rusland” Ltd, “Murom Radio Plant”, “Technopole Company”, Public Office “State Oceanographic Institute” (POSOIN), State research centre “Arctic and Ant-arctic Research Institute” (AARI), CJSC “GlobalTel”, “EvoLogics”, and others.

The main Sections of the Exhibition was follows:


Underwater devices and their systems: independent, remote controlled and towing automatic technical complexes

Professional diving equipment & accessories. Diving scuba equipment for underwater swimming and shooting

Instruments & devices, used in offshore oil-and-gas production

The equipment for dredging and blasting operations

Engineering for underwater construction

Underwater oil and gas pipelines

Hardware-software control complexes of underwater devices. Simulators

Underwater communication


Means and modern methods of hydrological, hydroacoustic, geophysical and physical and chemical researches of the ocean

Research of benthos

Systems of the monitoring & prevention of emergencies: storm, tsunami, etc.

Ecology. Water treatment. Technologies and devices of localization, gathering of oil and mineral oil spill from the water surface. Recycling of oily water


Development of the ocean resources: power engineering, biotechnologies and exploration of mineral resources

Offshore oil-and-gas extraction

Sea farms to cultivate sea organisms and seaweed


Sea water desalination

Underwater archeology


Cargo and passenger sea craft of long voyage and coasting navigation

Ports and port facilities

Offshore ship-raising, drilling and oil-and-gas platforms, ship-building and ship-repair factories

Ship power-plants and engines. Marine equipment. Spare parts, auxiliaries, service equipment, tools

The equipment of shipyards and ship-repair bases

Fairway marking facilities: the equipment of coastal and floating beacons, buoys, beacons, leading beacons

Safety Systems

Information technologies

Photographs of the exhibition:

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The business program:


Application for participation in an exhibition:

To submit the application form for participation it is possible two ways.

1. Download from our site variant of the application for a seal in MS Word , fill in the application and direct it by fax (095 118-05-65, 118-36-83, 118-36-88, further we shall expose to you the account;

2. Call in management of exhibitions on (095) 118-05-65, 118-36-83, 118-36-88, ask the top manager of an exhibition, he will send you an order form by fax and will answer all arisen questions.

Exhibitions in Russia
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EC "Mir-Expo"

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