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Exhibition Company Mir-Expo: exhibitions, conferences and seminars in Russia and other countries. Exhibitions in Moscow.

Specialized exhibitions and trade fairs in Moscow,
other cities of Russia and abroad.
Exhibitions in Moscow.

Phones: +7 (495) 137-78-25,
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Our news:

   October 30, 2024

Dear participants and visitors!

Dear participants and visitors of the exhibition "Cryogen-Expo. Industrial Gases 2024"!

The official website of the event contains:

- final press release with a list of participants and video interviews with exhibitors

- photo report on the 2024 exhibition and business program

In 2025, the 22nd exhibition "Cryogen-Expo. Industrial Gases" and the business program within its framework will traditionally be held in Moscow in the fall. The dates and venue will be announced shortly.

Preliminary booking of stands and time slots for the business program is now open!

>> all news

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OCEAN - 2007
Second International Exhibition

Time of realization: April 23-26, 2007.

Place of realization: Pavilion 5, Expocentr's Krasnaya Presnya Fairgrounds, Moscow.

The organizers: Exhibition Company "Mir-Expo".

Under the auspices of: The Commission of the National Maritime Policy. The Council of Federation. The Federal Assambly of the Russian Federation.Commission an National Maritime Politics of the Russian of Soviet Federation.

Supported by: ZAO "Expocentr".

Official post-press release:

The second International exhibition “Ocean” was held on April 23-26, 2007, in the Pavilion No 70 at the Expocentr’s Krasnaya Presnya Fairgrounds, Moscow. It was carried out under the auspices of the Federation Commission on National Sea Policy of Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation.

The display of the exhibition showcased such main directions as the underwater engineering and equipment, the oceanology and world ocean resources, the sea transport and navigation.

The exposition space totaled 150 sq m. There were 29 exhibitors who took part in the exhibition, 5 of which were the foreigners representing 4 countries. Evologics, etc. were among them.

From the Organizers’ point of view the exhibition is called to give the impartial appreciation of the modern state in the field of the sea technologies and methods of the underwater exploration. It gives the possibilities to elaborate the decisions aimed to consolidate the efforts of the scientific and business circles concerning the working out and practical use of the underwater technical means and equipment, to develop the oceanology, sea shipbuilding and navigation, to open up and utilize the ocean resources.

Vyacheslav Popov, the Chairman of the Federation Commission on National Sea Policy of Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, mentioned in his welcoming address that the modern position of Russia in the world and the conditions of its development raise the urgent question of entering the system of the additional measures with the aim to solve the problems of the Russia sea activity and face it with the authority government bodies. The “Ocean“ exhibition is been completely entering in the program of the Federation Commission on National Sea Policy of Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation considering some measures to prevent the stagnation of the Russian sea navigation and to provide the securing of the Russian interests in the World Ocean. He considers that the statement “The XXI century is going off marked by the development of the ocean shelf” is sensible and determinative for Russia. The sea policy of our country should be reconsidered in the view of the prolonged strategy.

List of the participants:

· Evologics GmbH
· Geoacoustics Ltd.
· Ixsea S.A.S.
· Kockum Sonics AB (Sweden) branch office in Russia
· Logistix
· Maritime news of Russia
· Navis Ltd.
· P. P. Shirshov Institute of Oceanology of the RAS
· Radiotekhnika, Publishing Enterprise
· Regenerator, NPK
· Roshydromet
· Rosvoencentr
· Rybnoe khoziaystvo («Fisheries»), Journal
· Sealing materials plant
· Stanford equipment Co.(USA)
· Tayphoon, NPO, GU
· Technopole Company
· Transas
· Underwater technology and Ocean World, journal
· Vosvod
· Yuzhmorgeologya, State Scientific Centre

The main Sections of the Fair are as follows:


Underwater devices and their systems: independent, remote controlled and towing automatic technical complexes

Professional diving equipment and accessories

Diving scuba equipment for underwater swimming and shooting

Engineering for the underwater construction

Hardware-software control complexes of the underwater devices. Simulators

Underwater communications



Means and modern methods of hydrological, hydro acoustic, geophysical and physical and chemical researches of the ocean

Development of the ocean resources: the power engineering, biotechnologies and exploration of the mineral resources

Marine tidal electro-stations

Technologies to fresh the sea water

Ecology. Water purification. Technologies and devices of the localization and collecting oil and mineral oil spill from the water surface. Utilization of the oily water

Underwater archeology



Fish finding fleet

Fish catching and processing technologies

Sea farms

Half-finished and ready-made sea products


Meteorology survey engineering

Software for processing the meteorological data

Systems to prevent of emergencies: storm, tsunami, etc.



Boring and oil-extraction offshore platforms

Underwater oil-and-gas pipelines, construction, exploitation

Tanks and gas carriers

Cryogenic technologies of gas transporting



Shipbuilding, ship repairs and docking

Ports and ports’ facilities

Marine engines and propulsion sets. Spare parts, auxiliaries, service equipment, tools The equipment of the shipyards and ship-repair bases

Cartography, lighthouses and leading navigation beacons

Safety sea navigation providing

Information technologies

Marine communications



Ice-breakers fleet

Navigation technologies under conditions of the low temperatures

Oil-and-gas extraction under conditions of the low temperatures

Men living activity in the Polar regions

Photos of the exhibition:

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Managers of the exhibition:

Alexandr À. Golovin

Organizing Committee:

For more details please contact: phone/fax (007 495) 118-0565, 118-3683, 118-3688, e-mail:

Exhibitions in Russia
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EC "Mir-Expo"

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