Dear participants and visitors of the
exhibition "Cryogen-Expo. Industrial Gases 2024"!
The official website of the event contains:
final press release with a list of participants and video
interviews with exhibitors
photo report on the 2024 exhibition and business program
In 2025, the 22nd exhibition "Cryogen-Expo.
Industrial Gases" and the business program within its framework
will traditionally be held in Moscow in the fall. The dates and
venue will be announced shortly.
Preliminary booking of stands and time slots for the
business program is now open!
Materials and Technologies
2nd International Specialized Exhibition
Time of realization:
March 1 - 3, 2011.
Crocus Expo, IEC, pavillion 1, hall 1, Moscow, Russia.
Exhibition Company "Mir-Expo".
by: Institute of Metallurgy and Materials Science named
after А.А. Baikov Russian Academy of Science, Association of
Heat Treaters of Russia, Union of Composite Manufacturers,
Institute of Chemistry of High-Purity Substances of the
Russian Academy of Sciences (ICHPS RAS), The Research
Council on the Chemistry of High-Purity Substances.
Report on the Activities:
March 1-3, 2011 at IEC Crocus Expo there held 2nd of
Innovation Materials and Technologies - 2011 exhibition -
International specialized event where full range of magnets,
high-pure materials, functional nanomaterials, rare earth
metals is widely introduced.
The target of the Innovation Materials and Technologies -
2011 is to boost the Russian construction market,
development and introduction of innovation technologies and
materials in different branches of industry: chemical,
electrotechnical, electrical, atomic, aerospace, tooling,
electrothermics, construction, mining, pipe manufacturing,
medical equipment and others.
The specialized Section on Technical Ceramics is held for
the first time in Russia, showing the whole market profile
of ceramic materials, manufacturing methods, services;
presenting a lot of spheres of its application, is to move
modern developments to the Russian market.
In comparison with the last year display area increased by
more than 80 percents. Among the exhibitors were the
following companies: Fraunhofer Institute for Ceramic
Technologies and Systems, ECT GmbH, G.G. Devyatykh Institute
of Chemistry of High-Purity Substances of the Russian
Academy of Sciences, Kamishlovskiy Plant "Uralizolator",
Glynwed Pipe Systems Ltd., Superior Products Vostok and
others. Having a few exhibitors for
now, the exhibition, in exhibitors' opinion, has great
prospects of developments.
March 1, 2011 within the business program of the exhibition
there being held the Perspectives of Using the Innovation
Materials and Technologies in Industry, International
Practical-Research Seminar, where the specialists of ECT
GmbH had a presentation named "Perspectives of Ceramic
At the same time with Innovation Materials and Technologies
- 2011, the International Specialized Exhibitions
Polyurethanex and Composite-Expo also were held and allowed
a wide range of specialists to get acquainted with
innovation technologies of manufacturing and samples of
finished products of composite and polyurethane materials
for different branches of industry.
According to the exponents' appraisal, the effectiveness of
the exhibitions surpassed all expectations. On the space of
2000 sq. m there situated 77 exhibitors, including 27
foreign companies from the USA, Germany, France, United
Kingdom, Belgium, Italy, Turkey, Hungary, Luxemburg,
Macedonia, China, Ukraine, Byelorussia. Over 3500
specialists in different fields of industry visited the
exhibitions. It is evidence of the growing demands of the
Russian market to use modern innovation materials and
technologies in different industries.
Viktar Sauchuk, Fraunhofer-Institut fur Keramische
Technologien und Systeme
Fraunhofer Institute for Ceramic Technologies and Systems (IKTS,
Dresden, Germany) expresses sincere appreciation for the
given opportunity to take part in "International Specialized
Exhibition "Innovation Materials and Technologies - 2011",
being held March 1 - 3, 2011 at IEC Crocus Expo (Moscow).
The exhibition gave a possibility to show to the visitors
the newest developments of IKTS in the sphere of ceramic
technologies and materials, to present samples of the
finished products of ceramic and composites on the basis of
ceramic, to get acquainted with capabilities, peculiarities
and development prospects of the Russian market of
innovation technologies. During information exchange and
discussions with visitors and exhibitors of the event,
mutual cooperation perspectives were talked over in